Saturday, February 7, 2009


Nicole Marie was born on September 25, 2001. She was born in about 10 minutes from arriving at the hospital. I had just finished working a swing shift the night before and had to be back at work by 0545 hrs. So i got home at about 2300 hrs and had to be up and gone by 0445 hrs. No sleep I had gotten home at 1430-1500 hrs and Paula had told me that she was having some pain, so we went to the Dr's office and he checked her and told her she was dilated to a four and 100% efaced, but decided to send us home anyway. So we went home and I went back to sleep cause I think I was supposed to work again in the morning. After a couple of hours I got up and went out to the living room to see Paula in pain hunched over the chairs. She told me she had called the dr's office to see what to do, we waited and waited for the dr to call back and he hadn't. So she called again and we waited about another 30 minutes and called again this time the receptionist said if you are doing that bad you probably should head in. At this time the hospital was only about 3 blocks from our house so we dropped Maddy off at a neighbors house, and drove to the hospital. I got there and went in and had the ER nurse help get Paula into a wheelchair and asked her to wheel her down to Labor and Delivery. Which she was more than happy to do. I checked Paula into the hospital which was easy cause she had already preregistered, I signed the paperwork and headed maybe the 150 ft to L&D. By the time I got there I could hear Paula screaming in the bathroom that she could feel the baby. So I hollered at the nurses station that we needed help, the poor CNA came running in and saw what was going on and she yelled to the nurse get in here now, the nurse showed up like yeah ok whatever. But when she walked in and opened the door she saw paula on the bed and went from like whatever mode to holy crap we are having a baby. She hollered instructions to who ever else was out in the nurses station and was scrambling to get her gloves on. which she barely did. So here I am trying to do what I can to help. and bam she was born healthy as ever. As a side note the doctor lost his rights to work at our hospital due to complaints including ours, but mainly cause he was caught DUI just outside the hospital, from the location of where he was and where he lived it was assumed he was on is way to the hospital, but he was just far enough away that it couldn't be proven so unfortunately he didn't lose his license.

Back to Nicki, after she was born she was a healthy baby in fact she has been our healthiest child, she has had a few asthma attacks but has seemed to outgrow them. She loves to play sports, monkey bars, dancing, and draw, boy does she like to draw. She is the most outgoing of my children she always seems to try and help her freinds out whenever she can. Just a small story from just this week. Her schools gives out what are called GROWL tickets and they can get small trinkets for getting them it is for stuff like respect helping other, being responsibler and such. Well she and a freind recived one and so they went got their rings and her freind lost hers out on the playground somewhere and they couldn't find. Nicki felt so bad that she gave her her ring so she would have one. That is the sort of thing she is always doing with freinds and nieghbors, she can be such a sweetheart.

I think that is Nicki in a nutshell.

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