Sunday, March 15, 2009

Softball/ t-ball lessons

We recently signed all the kids up for either softball and or t-ball. So I have been taking them outside trying to teach them how to throw catch and hit. They all seem to have got hitting down sort of, my girls can hit about 20% of all free pitch and have figured out if they hit coming up they get the ball to go farther. I think the biggest thing I have found is that a five year old is mych harder to teach than my older girls. Trying to show them and help them throw better I developed a little 4 step guide to walk through well when I first showed them they did really good and seemed to be getting it down and was even stepping into the throws. And the next day we went out to throw somemore and he decided that sidearming was funner and funnier cause it would make him spin round in circles and then fall, he seems to think that is the funniest thing ever cause I can't get him to throw any different. It was amazing the level of understanding just a couple of years makes between each child. I guess they will get it eventually without to many bruises.

1 comment:

  1. Last year we were trying to teach our 2nd grader in coach pitch. My mom was pitching to him and I was getting him in position, she pitched to him before I moved and he swung and hit me square right under the ribs with his bat. Make sure you move quick enough. My boys are doing t-ball and baseball too. Good luck with that. Sounds busy.
