Friday, March 27, 2009

Great appreciation

As we started on Paula's third week of radation yeah about half way. I have began to realize how hard single parenthood is and I am not even doing it all myself I still get a lot of help from Paula. anyway back on point I have found that it can be overwhelming and overbearing at points trying to work a full time job, do all the house chores and and all the outside chores, etc. Your day starts early and doesn't end until the late hours, and a lot of the time you don;t have a lot of time in between to rest. I know before this all started I took advantage of Paula and all that she does around the house, I still find I take advantage of her when she home but I have also gwon to really appreciate what she does do. I have also talked with a freind that she and I were talking and it was amazing to me that she was able to work a full time job, and still raise and be a part of her two kids lives. I couldn't imagine doing that for more than a few weeks. it is just simply amazing what people can do when they need to.

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